USCA and the whole Spanish ATCO community follow the shocking developments in Albania with enormous worry and pleads the EU to take immediate action to ensure human rights and the safety of air travel in…
On July 4, the federal court of Lausanne confirmed a sentence to a Swiss air traffic controller for a safety incident, where all layers of safety worked and there was no material or personal damage….
USCA, representing 90% of air traffic controllers in Spain, is witnessing with increasing worry how the US government is endangering air transport safety. We know from experience how it feels to work understaffed and with…
USCA rejects the decision by Swiss prosecutors to sue and charge an air traffic controller with criminal intent, after reporting an honest mistake, with no fatalities or damage to aircraft. This happens for the second…
.- Gericht in Palma de Mallorca hat einen geschlossenen Fall gegen die Fluglotsen wieder aufgenommen und beginnt mitmündlichen Anhörungen. .- Fluglotsen wurden bereits in der Vergangenheit vielfachzu der Schließung des Luftraums befragt. .-USCA hatSorge, dass…
.- Palma de Mallorca court, which had closed the cause against the air traffic controllers, now wants to open oral trials. .- Controllers have already been exonerated in 20 of the 22 courtrooms that have…
* The General Manager at Seville’s air traffic control tower, managed by Ferrovial, threatened an air traffic controller for his possible affiliation with the Spanish Union for air traffic controllers USCA (Unión Sindical de Controladores…
The strategic use of coffee and napping on site is being recommended for controllers whose sleep at home is disrupted by a newborn baby. The personal fatigue mitigation strategy is just one recommendation in the…
Compared to previous summers, the 2016 season has suffered an unprecedented amount of severe weather. Heavy thunderstorms have disrupted traffic flows and caused significant delays. Some cells have extended vertically to an altitude making it…
The spanish Air Traffic Controllers Union (USCA) will file a complaint tomorrow at the national Air Safety Agency (AESA), for the dismissal of an air traffic controller in one of the 13 control towers privatized…