USCA istbesorgtüber den Druck den Fluglotsenauf den Balearen ausgesetztsind
.- Gericht in Palma de Mallorca hat einen geschlossenen Fall gegen die Fluglotsen wieder aufgenommen und beginnt mitmündlichen Anhörungen. .- Fluglotsen wurden bereits in der Vergangenheit vielfachzu der Schließung des Luftraums befragt. .-USCA hatSorge, dass die neuerliche Anhörung psychischen Druck auf die Fluglotsen ausübt und die sichere Arbeit dadurch beeinträchtigt ist. Die Gewerkschaft USCA (Union Sindical de Controladores Aereos) will ihre ernste Sorge darüber zum Ausdruckbirngen, dass mit den neuerlichen mündlichen Anhörungen ...
.- Palma de Mallorca court, which had closed the cause against the air traffic controllers, now wants to open oral trials. .- Controllers have already been exonerated in 20 of the 22 courtrooms that have dealt with the case of the closure of the airspace. .-USCA considers that the pressure Baleares atcos are suffering affects their performance. The Unión Sindical de ControladoresAéreos (USCA) wants to emphasize their concern about the pressure ...
Summer thunderstorms have a strong impact on air traffic – New procedures help alleviate the problem
Compared to previous summers, the 2016 season has suffered an unprecedented amount of severe weather. Heavy thunderstorms have disrupted traffic flows and caused significant delays. Some cells have extended vertically to an altitude making it impossible to fly over them. To ensure the safety of passengers, departures have had to be postponed until the weather fronts have either dissipated or moved on. This means that passengers have had to ...
ENAIRE withdraws the sanctions filed against 61 air traffic controllers in Barcelona due to tge closure of the airspace in 2010
.- Barcelona Labour Court has delivered 11 judgements repealing and annulling the disciplinary sanctions that the company filed against its controllers in March 2015, after the penal cause for the same events was closed. .- Justice rejects the allegations by Enaire that the controllers abandoned their working positions on the 3rd December 2010. .- USCA hopes that this change in the attitude of the provider, aligned with the resolutions of 20 ...
Five years after the closure of the airspace, 20 out of 22 spanish courts that opened criminal cases, have now closed their proceedings
FIVE YEARS AFTER THE CLOSURE OF THE AIRSPACE, 20 OUT OF 22 SPANISH COURTS THAT OPENED CRIMINAL CASES AGAINST AIR TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS, HAVE NOW CLOSED THEIR PROCEEDINGS. ONLY MADRID AND BALEARES REMAIN OPEN .- The 20 courthouses that closed their proceedings considered that there was no evidence of offenses by the controllers, since they didn’t abandon their working positions on the 3rd December 2010. .- ...